Sunday, October 30, 2011

Toil & Trouble

Here we go! Happy Halloween! This is as much Halloweeny as I usually get. Haunted houses, corn mazes, scary movies, and dressing up usually aren't in my schedule this time of year (maybe I should change that, hmmm) Yes, I know Halloween is tomorrow, but I thought I would show you a little of my Halloween decor.

Hope you all have a wonderful and safe Halloween!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Plucked From A Raven

In my quest (yes it officially was a quest) for the perfect Halloween wreath I found myself at the final store with hopes dashed. What did I want you may ask? Well, I wanted a wreath just the right size to fit in my wonderful antique window, (am I obsessed with that window, no way I've just stewed over how I want to decorate it for the next 6 months ;) black, feathered, and a little spark of fun. Now was that to much to ask for? I would think not. The retail gurus and I were not on the same page this year (Usually they have been pretty good to me and the internet doesn't hurt!).
So there I was all mopey browsing pier 1 when an idea popped into my mind. My eyes had met with THE BOA! I've made fresh Christmas wreaths before, I thought to myself, and there it was I snatched up those boas and couldn't get home fast enough.

So all you really need is a boa of any color, a wreath form, (some people use pool noodles, or they have something similar in the plumbing section at a home improvement store, I think) wire, and spray paint (optional).
I thought it was so fun I actually did it twice. The first time I was able to see the white Styrofoam form, so I took it apart to spray paint it black. I think it was actually eating away at the foam.

All I did was start the boa on the form and wrap the wire around the boa and the form, repeat, repeat, repeat until it is all done. Voila it is Finito!

Want to see how it all comes together? Stop back soon!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Oh I Have A Blog?

Sorry for the long silence, there have been quite drastic changes in my life recently. Not exactly pleasant, but as the world would think necessary. Oh how I hate growing up :(. When I was little I remember always wishing that I was a grown up. Hmmm must learn how to retract those memories.
Well here is the "reveal" to my sneaky antique window. It's pretty simple, but sometimes simple is good right (okay maybe it was a [whole lot of] a little bit of laziness).

So here are a few close-ups. Gotta love those close ups!

Yes I do realize that it is almost Halloween (how did that happen?) and I should be sportin' all the dark mystical all hallows eve decor, but I promise that will come (maybe after Thanksgiving). Oh and did I mention something unpleasantly big happened in my life? Just had to throw that in again (CHECKLIST # 23 must give some reason for copping out after my second post. CHECK!)